How to "Treat Yourself" // Life Advice

A lot of people throw around the term "treat yo-self" often, and its for a good reason. I am a firm believer in treating yourself within reason. You have to do it perfectly in order for it to work. Here is my advice on how to treat yourself reasonably, and well.

Little Things Frequently:
Little Things Frequently is a nice method of treating yourself if you're on more of a budget. I'd say if you're having a tough day or every two weeks you do this. Buy or do something small for yourself that will boost your esteem and/or attitude; such as a Lush bath bomb, some pastries, or a little reward to yourself for getting through the day/week.

Big Things Rarely:
Big Things Rarely is a nice method of treating yourself if there is something big that you really want. I'd do this about every few months to what your budget allows you to do. Buying something big that you really want is such a pleasure to do, especially when you've worked and saved up the money to do so. Things I'd get would be a pair of nice shoes, a nice article of clothing, or concert tickets you've been waiting for.

Without Money:
Without Money is a good thing to do if you're really on a budget, or just don't feel like spending the money. I'd do this as frequently as Little Things Frequently, or as frequently as Big Things Rarely depending on the treatment you want. Things you can do frequently that'd I do would be to take a long hot bath, dance around my room ridiculously to music, and bring my dog to the dog park. Things you can do less rarely, but still do, is take a day off from work if you can. Taking a nice mental health day every month is literally a blessing to the soul.

Your mental health should gradually improve with this method of "treating yourself", at least for me it did. It isn't something everyone can do all the time. That's why I provided different methods of things to do when you're feeling down, or just want an excuse to spend some time to yourself. Everyone deserves happiness, I truly am a firm believer in that.

See you LATER!

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