Cures For the Sick Days// Health

Sick Days; who likes them? Ok, it's nice to have a day off to yourself, but it's hard to enjoy it when there are few activities to do in bed. It's also awful if you feel bad and can't do anything. This whole week I've had (and still have) food poisoning. I went to the doctor and I have to eat certain medicines all the time. Also I spent 3 days in bed. I felt better after drinking the right kind of tea and eating the right stuff. Also, I was able to do a lot of things that I normally don't do. Below there's a list of things that you can do while resting in bed.

  1. Put on a movie
This is always a must-have, a movie can distract you for an awful lot of time. Besides who doesn't love a great movie?
  1. Call a friend over
If you're illness is not contagious then you can definitely call a friend over. Everything seems better with someone by your side. You could catch up on each other's life and plans, or you could do some of the activities in this list.
  1. Make Stickers
Making stickers is really fun, it's something that you can do seated or lying down. You can end up with a lot of personalized stickers that you can put in your notebooks, diary, sketchbooks, and just about anything. It's  not hard, but it really depends on how you do it. Google some tutorials and choose the easiest one (I'll be posting a tutorial of my own on Tuesday that you can check out).
  1. Read a book
If you're not the TV type or the crafty kind then you could always get a good book and read for hours. Typically when I'm sick I like to read about people doing great things. I usually read Harry Potter, some poetry, etc.
  1. Work on some sketches/ drawings
Maybe being distracted by other things interferes with your art. Although is hard to make a masterpiece when you're lying down, working on sketches is good. It's always good practice and maybe you can plan your next great painting.
  1. Write in a journal
I keep a journal by my side at all times. However, homework, studying, work and other things take up my time and I can't write. Because you don't really need to deal with work because you're sick, you can take time to write about your feelings or what's been going on in your life. Pick up a pen and let your thoughts flow.
  1. Play a board game
Whenever my brother  Rod is sick we play fun board games. We like playing Uno, Clue and other Hasbro games. It's fun and it can make you laugh for a long time. Playing is great, it's fun, it's amazing!
  1. Text/ facetime some friends
Maybe you can't have people near you but that doesn't mean you need to be cut off society. Spend time with friends (even if it's through a screen), talk and just hang out.

These are just some few things that I like to do. The main thing is to do things that distract you, it'll make you forget how bad you're feeling. If there's anything else you'd like to add to this list feel free to comment. We like hearing from our readers. Later!
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  1. Great tips! Whenever I'm sick I like doing to-do lists, it keeps me distracted and better organized for the future

  2. Great tips! Whenever I'm sick I like doing to-do lists, it keeps me distracted and better organized for the future
